WEBLog - Check communication

If the data transfer to the VCOM portal no longer works, please check the following points:

  1. First, determine how the data logger transmits its data (DSL / cellular, possibly still analog or ISDN).
  2. Check the correctness of the settings in the following menu items on the web interface of the WEB'log under Admin Monitoring -> Network:
    • Settings (DSL/Mobilfunk)
    • Internet (Analog/ISDN)
    • Mailbox (Mailbox -> aktiv)
  3. Check the cabling of the communication path (Ethernet, antenna, or PSTN cabling)
  4. If the previous points have been checked, you can start a communication test under Admin Monitoring -> Network -> Mailbox (below).
    When all 5 communication phases have turned green, the data transfer works:
  5. If the data is to be transmitted via DSL / mobile radio, the network configuration of the WEB'log must also be stored in the VCOM portal.
    VCOM -> System configuration -> WEB'log -> System data