blueLog - Additional analog / digital inputs

General information about the multi inputs:

There are 4 digital inputs DI1 to DI4 available on the blue'Log base module, as well as 4 multi-inputs MI1 to MI4.
The 4 multi inputs MI1 to MI4 can be programmed as either analog or digital inputs.

MI1 - analog input -> connection of irradiation sensor (current signal 4-20mA)
MI2 - Analog input -> PT1000 temperature sensor connection (resistance)
MI3 - digital input -> counter input S0 signal
MI4 - Digital input -> Status input alarm transmitter from UPS

The digital inputs are mainly used for PowerControl tasks.
Example: Ripple control receiver connection
DI1 - active power 100%
DI2 - active power 60%
DI3 - active power 30%
DI4 - active power 0%

The digital outputs DO1 to DO4 can be used as feedback.

Additional 4 multi inputs and 4 digital outputs can be provided with the Multi IO expansion module.

Data sheet MX module Multi IO (PDF)
Operating instructions MX module Multi IO (PDF)

The following expansion modules can be connected to the blue'log:
  • MX modules RS485 / 422 (max. 3)
  • MX modules Multi IO (max. 5)